
Last night I hit the streets with my City Sisters team. As we started to find our girls I have a deep sinking feeling deep within. I can not put my finger on it. As we drive down the street I see our sweet Yolande with a man who is old enough to be her grandfather, everything within me flares up and I want to fight. But I can’t. I could put her in danger her. An hour later I see our sweet Yolande with two massive men, twice her size and very scary, one of them is holding onto her in an intimate embrace. Everything within me flares up and I want to fight. But I can’t.

As we spend time with our ladies my sinking feeling grows, I can not pin point it. Is it because of Yolande? But I was already feeling it before I saw her.

What was it?
Then I talk with Zama, and the penny drops. Two of our girls are missing. Fatima and Chloe have been missing for four days. A phone call from Fatima was made to one of the girls saying that she had been drugged by a client and didn’t know where she was. There was no news of Chloe. There is no way to contact them, no way to know where they are. No one really cares because they are “just whores” .

Our girls are risking their lives daily to survive. We now have over 50 girls a week that we are caring for on a Thursday night. 50 girls who have no one to love them or care for them. 50 hearts that are profoundly broken. 50 bodies that are fighting addiction. 50 girls who are loved and seen by our Father. 50 girls who Matter.

Please pray for the safety and protection of Fatima and Chloe. Please pray for their safe return. And please pray for our team as we navigate each story as they unfold. Please pray for provision to keep our work going. Please pray for strength and wisdom.

If you would like to help support our family as we care for the homeless and sex workers of Durban, please visit http://www.justgiving.com/kingsroadchurch

Thank you x


I want to explain a little about the ministries that Martin and I are involved with through One Future Foundation.

Martin is now over seeing The Eat Program which happens on Wednesday lunch times down by the sea front in Durban. We have food donated to us in the form of individually wrapped sandwiches, fruit and a drink. The homeless know where to come and they gather at midday. We come along and hand out the food, chat with the people, find out their needs, pray with them and sometimes share Gods Word with them.

I want to honour my husband for his work on this program, he sees the need and just gets on with it. He has a real gift with getting alongside the people we help, he takes time to chat and listen to their stories. He’s an encourager and an empathiser and takes Jesus to those he meets.

He also needs a new pair of shoes but never complains

I am overseeing the City Sisters Program. This is where I go out with other ladies in our team, usually on a Thursday evening. We check up on the girls who are sex workers along the sea front in Durban. We collect Blessing Bags throughout the weeks and fill them with items that the girls need, clothing, toiletries, condoms, food etc. We hand these out to girls we know and girls who are new to the streets. We use this opportunity to bless the girls with these items, to check up them, that they are well and safe (neither of which they are of course) to pray for them and with them and to let them know they are loved by us and by God


Last night was hard. Some of our homeless girls are in a bad state.

There are classes within the area that we work. When most people look at a homeless woman or a sex worker they see just that, but as you spend time building relationships and spend time caring you begin to realize that there is a class system within the life.

Benita is considered to be at the bottom of this class system. Drug addicted, sick, dirty and frail, she is at the lowest state of homeless. There is little hope for her, as far as she is concerned. She is looked down on by others. Even other homeless.
She started like many other girls who we talked to last night, young, healthy, tough, fiesty. Now she is dying. She is so so frail and in constant pain and fear. The depression is visual, all over her.
She is alone. She has no family, no partner, no children, no one to watch over her. Unless something changes she will die alone.


We want to thank you for your continued support. Our boys are doing great, they love their school and are working hard.

We have many things to thank God for and some prayer requests and would be so grateful if you would join with us in these.

  • Thank God for our on going financial support, each month since December our rent and car has been paid, we dont have enough regular income to cover these costs but it always comes 🙂
  • Our team of helpers is growing, ladies have come along to join our City Sisters team. This is such a blessing to us
  • Great donations for Hope’s Closet, my second hand clothing stall which helps with supporting us and City Sisters
  • The use of internet in our home at a low payment to our neighbour

Prayer requests

  • Our laptop needs repairing, at the moment we do everything on our phones
  • Mart needs new shoes 🙂
  • Our on going financial support
  • our paperwork (you know what I mean)
  • protection whilst out working
  • lots of customers on Saturdays to Hope’s Closet market stall

Thank you!

We love you, Mart Vashti Joe Jesse & Hudson

to support us please do so via       http://www.justgiving.com/kingsroadchurch