
I’ve always dreamed of having a big family. On my wedding night, I was informed that I wouldn’t be having biological babies (perfect timing mate 🤯🤦🏻‍♀️), and so I knew adoption was going to be how I would become a mama. For years, it was 3 sons, and then 1 1/2 years ago, Heaven bought my daughters to me.
And now here I am, 7 kids, plus one who lives with her partner and my granddaughter.
People constantly ask me how I’m doing this, and all I do is point to heaven.
These kids of mine blow my mind daily. They keep me going and lift me up.
Some days I feel like I’m failing and that I’m completely bonkers, but every day I just know that this family was orchestrated by Love Himself, a beautiful patchwork of different personalities, gifts and talents, all in one big, somewhat crazy family.
I didn’t have the honour of raising my adult daughters, and yet somehow Love created them to be mine, and I am beyond grateful.
I am constantly reminded that my help comes from a Father who passionately loves and cares for each of us and provides all of our needs every day.
Yes, I’m a single Mama. However, I am surrounded by a village of fierce friends and family who stand by me at all times, even when they think I’m nuts 😆
This is our family. And I am thankful.
#missionary #adoptionrocks #chosenfamily #singlemomlife #livingbyfaith #livinginafrica


I speak of things that need to be heard.

I’ve never been a woman who speaks for the sake of speaking, or the satisfaction of sharing what I think or feel to try and convince others to jump on my religious bandwagon.

This is not because I have nothing to say, I am careful to speak from a place of Love, truth and intention. My beliefs, thoughts and feelings are my own, and I only share them with those who I can trust to hold them safe and sacred.
Sometimes, like now, I spill them onto a page and weigh if they are words that will support others from a position of Love and encouragement. Letting them know that they are not alone on this journey.
There are other times I share because what I have to say needs to be heard and understood.

I’ve spent my life as an introverted empath. I watch, I pay attention, reading people and environments, and when I feel safe then I come out from behind my wall. Most of the time I do not feel safe.
I’m not talking physical safety, but rather an emotional and spiritual safety. Safety which as an introverted empath seems to allude me the majority of the time
I guess spiritual and emotional trauma and abuse will cause a girl like me to be more enclosed and withdrawn.

2023 has bought a shift in my life. I’m starting to realize that my voice carries some weight. The trauma and abuse silenced me, put me on mute when it comes the the things that cause me to rise up.
I am now realizing that the truth does not need to be sugar coated with religious sprinkles. Truth is truth, honest, raw and often ugly.
My life is not a perfectly curated dream world, it’s not pretty, organized or aestetically pleasing. It’s usually chaos and mayhem with a touch of ugly. My life confuses those who have their own idea of what and how the life of a missionary should look.

I am singly parenting 5 children that I did not birth. I run an organization that cares for sex workers. I am most at home sitting in a brothel, spending my time with almost naked women who are having to sell their bodies for survival. I am at ease sitting on the needle strewn sidewalk while a teenage girl shoots heroin into her veins so that she can numb the memories, the reality of her situation.
These are the places I feel most safe, these are the places where I belong. My heart and soul feel safe in drug houses and brothels because those are the places where I encounter Love on the deepest level.
There are no accolades or fanfare, no after service coffee time. I don’t have to look a certain way to meet the criteria of conformity.
All that is required is that I show up and that I take Divine Love with me.
There is no judgment from either side. I do not care that my industry friend is cuddled up on the brothel couch with me wearing nothing but her lingerie and stilettos. She knows that all I have for her is Divine Love and that is what she craves.
I do not flinch or look away disapprovingly when the teenager pushes a needle into her vein, because all I have for her is Divine Love, and that is the true drug that she craves.
I’m not going to look away, I refuse to put on blinkers or create for myself a comfortable bubble to shield my eyes from the reality of truth. Raw painful and triggering for many, I KNOW that this is where Jesus would be.

I won’t hide away for the sake of comfort and stability. I will see it and feel it all because for this I was created. I was not created for the 4 walls. I was created to take Love to those who have been muted by the church, society, the government, abuse and trauma.

When sharing my calling with others they like to throw the cliche “Voice for the voiceless” at me.
These friends of ours are not voiceless, they have been muted. If you took a moment to truly engage from a place of Divine Love you would discover such a wealth of wisdom, strength, love, humor, pain and often encouragement.
Beautiful and profound words that are often spoken directly from heaven to comfort and strengthen the hearts of our team out of the mouths of vulnerable and broken hearted sex workers.

As an empath I try very much to not pick up the pain of our Industry friends that is laid out before us daily. It will do us no good to try to carry it for them. So we gently scoop it all up and lay it at the feet of Love, because that’s is the only place from which all of our healing comes.

Walk the line.

There is a fine and somewhat unstable line between strength and fragility. I walk that line daily.
Constantly I am told how strong I am by others, ‘I don’t know how you do it’, ‘I could never do what you do’, ‘how do you raise 5 kids alone and run a ministry?’

What they don’t realize is that I am walking the very fine line between strength and fragility.
I know I’m strong. Like I 100% get it. If I wasn’t then I wouldn’t still be here, fighting daily for my children and for those who we care for through eXpose HOPE. There are literally 100’s of times I could have quit. I could have packed it all in when others told me I should return to the uk. I could have listened to those naysayers, those ones who tried to talk me down off the wall because I was wasting my time (Nehemiah). And believe me there have been times when this life and calling has bought me to my knees, spiritually, physically and emotionally. However the strength in me would always cause me to rise up like those dry bones (Ezekiel). That strength only comes from one place and that’s the throne room. My anchor holds within the veil, within the very presence of Love. (Hebrews 6.19)
The outside of my very close circle only have the opportunity to see the strength that I carry as I fight daily.

However, the inside of my circle get to see just how fragile I am so much of the time.
There are very few who I trust with my fragility. A handful who hold my heart when the pieces are falling. Who catch me in every way when they see me start to crack.
My heart has been victim to so much abuse and trauma. She is bruised and scared and yet she still manages to pump strength.

Some see fragility and vulnerability as a weakness. It’s indoctrinated into us, especially females, that we have to be strong at all times. Don’t let them see you break, be vulnerable or fragile. We put on an armor that is not Holy, it’s just a facade to try and deter those who want to cause infliction, self doubt and pain.

“I’ve got this”, “don’t let them get to you”, “don’t let them find the chink in the armor”. Cause if they do they will use it for their benefit.

But what if we hold our heads up and decide to walk that fine and unstable line with confidence, dignity and the entitlement that we are worthy of? What would happen then?
What if we let our children see that it is ok to break sometimes? It’s ok to weep and lament. What if we decided to share our own fragility and vulnerability with those who need to see and understand that we are really no different? We are no more worthy, we are no more seen by Love than they are. And we are no more loved by Love than they are.
What if we let them see and feel the chinks in our armor facade, maybe if they could touch those broken parts of us their doubts would melt away and they would truly understand just how loved and enough they truly are. (Thomas)
When I ponder on Jesus carrying that cross, his human body already broken by the beatings and the whip, his hands and feet being nailed as the crowd cheered and his mother and close female friends wept, I see a Holy fragility that was experienced by the very son of Love. He let them see his fragility, and that fragility and brokenness translated into the purest of loves.

As I lay here writing I am in a place where my hearts fragility has become greater over the past week, and yet I have not felt this much peace and strength in years. I have felt validated by Love, and seen and so much anxiety has been lifted as I lay my fragile heart out and exposed it. I’ve come to the realization that there can be a balance.
Balance is never easy, it takes determination, confidence and strength, but I refuse to deny the fragility and vulnerability because they are just as valid and Holy.

Walk that line. Allow yourself to feel it all. And when you break, because you will, get yourself behind the veil. Regain your footing, find your balance and continue your journey.

As Johnny Cash said “I walk the line.”

I refuse to walk it with my head down.

About last night.

Tonight our lives were in danger and I thank God that we got out in one piece.
We took one of our ladies to retrieve her phone from her pimp, she had borrowed R50 from him and he was keeping her phone until she could pay him back. On her phone is her son’s new phone number and she desperately needed to get hold of him as she is in the industry so that she can pay his university fees.
When we found her she was beside herself with worry and really needed her phone back. I had R50 in my pocket so I said let’s go get it.
We went to the brothel and she took the money inside to him. That’s when all hell broke lose. Within seconds there was screaming and shouting and all of a sudden an unmarked police vehicle pulled up and an officer walked up the steps to the door where the fight was happening. He stood there doing nothing and then the pimp handed him a wad of cash which he put in his pocket. As the fight escalated we started to get very nervous, our girl was having a full-blown panic attack and was screaming, the cop just stood there as the pimp and 2 other men were backing her into the corner, then the guns came out. Our girl ran out of the property towards us and as she did one of the men followed her with his gun. We grabbed her and pulled her into our van and sped off before he could get to us.
We got her safe, but her emotional state was very bad. She continued to have a panic attack and it took us a while to get her calm enough to breathe properly. Somehow we managed to stay in control the whole time, but after we got her to safety the adrenaline kicked in and we were all shaking and trying to breathe. The reality of the situation hit us hard and we were reminded just how dangerous our line of work is.
I thank God for our badass angels because without them Tonight we could have been another statistic.

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#unconditionallove #extravagantgrace #hopeforthesoul #durbansexindustry #sexindustry #weseeyouweloveyou


+-60 ladies and girls staying in one “lodge”.
Heavy metal doors,  padlocks, no air circulation, it’s like a big blue prison and these ladies are desperate for our love and support.
They are all trapped in the sex industry and life for them is mere survival.
A heavily pregnant mama sitting on the concrete floor of her room, legs badly swollen and painful and feeling completely alone and hopeless. She is scared. Her naked friend trying to advocate for the unborn child. Our hearts break. We do what we can but it feels hopeless sometimes.

How do we reach these women? How do we help them up and out? We do not have enough support at the moment and our hearts are tired and frustrated. I rub her feet and her ankles and try to convince her to go to hospital but the fear keeps her here,  trapped and terrified.
Teenage girls desperate for a hug, for love, for support. Some are naked, some are heading out to “work” all grateful for the pepper spray that we were able to provide them with. Men are lurking everywhere, wanting to abuse them and take what they believe they are entitled to.
The vulnerability of these precious souls is heartbreaking.
Please lift our “lodge” girls up in prayer.


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#unconditionallove #extravagantgrace #hopeforthesoul #durbansexindustry #sexindustry #weseeyouweloveyou
#exposehope @xpose.hope

3 of my 5. If you know me then you know that above all else I am Mum. I always dreamed of having a big family, never once did that dream involve me doing it alone. And yet here I am. Single mum of 5 and living completely by faith as I raise them and run @xpose.hope .
It’s not easy, by any means, today my bank account is completely empty. I need to stock the cupboards and the fridge, I need to find school fees, Jesse is desperate for new clothes because he just won’t stop growing and all his pants are inches too short.
Hudson’s sneakers broke yesterday so he is having to wear gumboots everywhere. I need my medication.
It’s a lot today.
I know that Love blessed me with my children, I know Love has a plan, and yet today my anxiety is through the roof and nothing is helping.
The financial stress over us is preventing me from being able to parent well and is also distracting me from my calling. Last night outreach was so so hard because my mind wouldn’t let me focus on the task ahead of me as I was panicking about how I’m going to get through this month. It’s a LOT.
Please will you lift us in prayer? Please pray for provision so that I can focus on my children and on my calling to our precious ladies.
#missionary #missionarylife #momof5 #adoptionrocks #singlemom #livingbyfaith

Good bye 2022.

This year has gone by so so fast. It’s been a weird one, and for the most of it I have felt like I’ve been in a whirlwind. Some days and weeks easier than others, and some of them have felt impossible,  but here we are entering December pretty much in one piece.

So much has happened this year that I don’t really know how to sum it all up, there has been heart ache, physical pain and grief, but there have also been so many moments of pure joy and love and so many opportunities for growth and learning. Through it all I know that we have been carried by the Holy Spirt and the consistent presence of Love and as we round the year off I can honestly say that I have a peace that passes ALL understanding.

There have been moments when I haven’t known how to move forward and it has definitely been a time of laying it down and letting Love carry those things that I shouldn’t be carrying. I’m the first to admit that I have trust issues, and I’m the first to admit that I’m not always good at stepping back and taking a much needed breath, but this year has been a time of learning that I can not do any of this alone. I have been hedged in the whole time. Friends  family and Love have carried me when I have been too weak to continue. I am THANKFUL for the care and support from so many during the good times and the bad and your love and support have bought me so much peace and strength, especially when I was at my lowest.

The boys have been amazing this whole year. They are incredibly caring and have supported me during my health issues and especially after my accident. They are so strong,  caring and thoughtful and I am so so proud of them. Our life is not smooth sailing, they do not get to experience most of the things that their friends do, but not once have they complained or given me a hard time. They hold their heads high and keep pushing along with me. Their education is a major priority and I am happy to say that they are all passing their grades with flying colors. Joe and Jess are talking about their futures and what they would like to pursue. Joe is talking about joining the military and Jess wants to be a game ranger and join the anti poaching program to help protect our endangered animals. Both of them and really finding themselves and their passions and it’s exciting to watch. Hudson is just pure joy. He is so so bright and empathetic. He loves really well and has a heart for those who have been marginalized by society. He’s almost 9 and is going to change lives. My boys are INCREDIBLE.

The most surprising event this year was when my family gained twin girls. Amayah and Lumi came to stay with us almost 6 months ago when their Mama came to visit us at the baby home and shared with us how she has no family and she couldn’t care for her babies alone. She was scared to loose her babies but knew that she needed support. After a lot of prayer, advice seeking and encouragement from friends and family Thobile and I decided that we should co-parent the twins together and the girls moved in with me. Shortly after this step of faith Thobs found a job as a domestic worker and is loving it. She comes to visit the twins and takes them to stay by her when she has time off work. It’s a great situation although hard at times, Thobile and I are making it work and the girls are thriving. The boys are head over heels with them and are taking the big brother roll very seriously. The twins celebrate their 1st birthday on the 1st of December and we can’t believe it’s been half a year of having the honor of loving and nurturing them. Sadly Thobs can’t get away from work but we will be video calling so she can be here virtually.

eXpose HOPE has had an incredibly busy year. 16 ladies rescued from the sex industry, babies rescued from homeless shelters after being abandoned, girls going into rehab and healing so beautifully, new partnerships with other organizations, equal amounts of joy and heartbreak. And then there is our amazing team. These women blow me away with their fierce tenacity and love. They stand with me in the dark places and shine bright, they fight hard and pray continuously. I adore them and couldn’t do this work without them. They are an example of unconditional Love and I am proud to call each of them my friend.

Then there are these 2. Liza and Leanne are the bestest friends a girl could ask for. From spending hours in the hospital with me after my fall and looking after my children while I healed, to signing me up for Tinder as a “joke”   these 2 have helped me through the year in a way few others could. I LOVE them. They keep me sane and drive me crazy at the same time and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Love knew that I needed these maniacs in my life and I will be forever grateful.

I’m already focused on 2023 and the dreams I have as we plow headlong into the new year. My health is a big focus for me and going into the new year I’m praying for full healing and strength. My fall and head injury really shook me up and has caused a bit of trauma physically and emotionally. I still get headaches and now whenever I hurt myself (I fell twice in one week 2 weeks ago) my body immediately shuts down and goes into shock which is quite a scary sensation. I’ve learnt how to process myself through the shock and out the other side, but I’d really like to ask you all for prayer in this area as the shock lasts for around an hour and is not fun to watch or experience. Please pray that my nervous system heals and the mental trauma subsides.

I think most of you know that I have a very complicated relationship with church. It’s no secret. And over the years one of my biggest prayers was to find a church with leadership who are as Christlike as possible. I’ve never fitted in to church. My calling is VERY messy and raw and uncomfortable for most. My life is very different from others and many are uncomfortable with how my life looks and who I am, and due to that my family really doesn’t fit into the conventional church setting. I’m not quiet about my beliefs and stance on many things that other Christians may not agree with or affirm, but I KNOW Jesus.I know the scripture and I KNOW Love’s heart for the people of this world who have been discarded by mainstream churches.

So when on of my best friends planted a church with her husband in one of the roughest parts of our city I KNEW that it was going to be our church home. Lee and Bron get it. They understand the heart of Love in the purest of ways. Our church is primarily made up of the homeless community, drug addicts and a smattering of sex workers. If I had a bus I would pick up all our sex worker friends and take them to our church because  they can literally come as they are knowing that they will not be frowned upon or judged for their mini skirts and crop tops. OneCity Pinetown is a spiritual home, where we are all welcome and where our hearts and bodies are embraced. Lee and Bron have cultivated an environment of acceptance, accountability and unconditional Love and I am eternally grateful for their leadership and friendship. They lovingly hold me accountable and light a fire under my butt when I’m distracted or retreating into myself and away from the Father. They are my family and I Love them dearly.

As we end this bonkers year I am thankful for so much. For my precious children, for my family, my friends, for eXpose HOPE and the beautiful women and girls who we have the honor of loving, I am thankful for my team and their passion and the fact that they stick by me even when I desperately want to quit. I am thankful for my parents and their love for us and their constant prayers. I am thankful for my home, my vehicle, my pets and my bed 🤣But mostly I am thankful for Jesus, for His love and grace over my life. I’m thankful for the ongoing healing that is poured out over my life. I never thought I’d be a single mother, living in Africa, caring for 100’s of sex workers and victims of trafficking, and yet here I am getting it done with the beautiful support of so many.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your constant prayers and support, I can’t do this without you all. I pray that 2023 is a year of joy, abundance and the fulfillment of promises for you all. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

So much love and thanks from Vash, Joe, Jess, Hudson, Amayah and Lumi. 🖤

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In the Silence.

It’s midnight and my 5 kiddos are asleep. I’m laying in my bed with tears rolling.

My whole life I’ve battled anxiety, it’s something that I never acknowledged until a couple of years ago. I’ve felt shame and guilt about this battle for decades and due to those feelings I tried to keep it hidden. How detrimental.

I’m an empath and an over thinker. I feel EVERYTHING deeply, especially silence.
I’m at a point right now where I am having to FULLY rely on what I know of Love in order to get through each day and some days are harder than others.
I very much feel that I am in a period waiting, and that in itself usually would be an anxiety trigger for me. The unknown of what’s around the next corner would usually terrify me, and yet this time of waiting is pushing me to look inward at my heart, my desires, my calling and my faith. I find myself catching my usual reaction before it manages to take a hold of my heart. I am able to analyze where the anxiety is rooted and pull it up and lay it at Loves feet.

I have a personal journey that I have recently found myself on and this journey is requiring me to wait, to be patient and to trust that Love has orchestrated and mapped out this journey and I am learning daily to accept the challenge of holding onto Hope as I wait.
The questions are there, the over thinking is trying to take ground and cause anxiety to kick in, but Love keeps giving me these “signs” that this journey is good and true and yet when I start to feel anxious about it again I find myself asking Him for another sign. “A signier sign” as my best friend was teasing me about over the weekend. Like really, how many signs do I need that Love is sovereign over this journey?!
One more apparently 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️

So here I am, laying in bed with my 3 Littles listening to their gentle snores and thanking Love for the road that He has currently placed me on. I am trusting in the waiting. Holding onto the truth that is unfolding before me, and trying to vanquish any doubts or fears that pop up along the way. I know breakthrough is coming for us, I just need to trust that Love will bring it in His perfect time.

It been too long.

This is my first blog post of the year, I can’t believe I have been so slack with my writing, my only excuse is that this year has been super intense and my writing has been put on the back burner. It’s not a good excuse I know but it’s all I have right now 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️

So much has changed and evolved over the past few months.

The first major change was I became foster mum to 2 extra little ones. For my whole life I have prayed for a daughter. I ADORE my boys and they are the greatest blessing to me, especially since becoming a single mum, however I always felt that my little family wasn’t quite complete. Then along came Thobile, a young single Mama of twins baby girls. She was really battling to care for her girls, she has no family and no support and one day she turned up at the baby home begging for someone to raise her babies for her. She wanted to stay in the girls lives and she knew that if she put them up for adoption it would be very unlikely that she would be able to have a relationship with the babies. Her dream was to have her girls in a secure and loving family who would also accept her and not cut her out. I spent a long time in prayer and asking the Father if this was something that He was urging me to do.

After seeking advice from my family and my South African support structure I decided to bring the twins home with me and start building a relationship with their Mama. It’s been 4 months and I can honestly say that this has been one of the best decisions that I have ever made. My baby girls are just amazing and so is their birth Mama. I don’t know how I am doing this or how we are financially surviving as a family of 6 but it’s happening and we are all thriving.

Amayah Sage and Lumi Love have bought us so much joy and Mama Thobile is in contact Weekly and she has managed to find a full time job about 3 hours away from us. She visits when she can so that we can keep the beautiful relationship strong.

Joseph, Jesse and Hudson are incredible big brothers and have accepted this big adjustment like the champions that they are. They are so helpful and loving with the twins and I’m beyond proud of them.

Bringing home 2 extra mouths to feed was a MASSIVE step of faith and we have definitely felt it financially but the Father has provided and this has just been confirmation that this was the right decision.

The boys have been doing so well in school and Joe and Jess are now looking at what their next step in education is going to look like. Joe is ready to start his GED and Jesse is really passionate about becoming a game ranger. I’m so proud of them both and the young men that they are growing into. Raising teenage boys is an adventure to say the least and I’m loving it. Hudson is a complete delight. He’s got the hang of reading and is so proud of himself. He is so sweet and brings me a beautiful about of joy. I feel like I’m the proudest Mum on the planet.

As for me, I’m doing OK. I always imagined having a big family but I never imagined that I would be doing it alone and that’s hard at times. Not having a significant other supporting me has been a roller-coaster of emotions. I get lonely and some days I’m beyond exhausted but I know that the Father has me close to Him and I know where my strength comes from. I have grown so much this year, as a mother, a woman and as a leader it’s not been easy but it’s been worth it. I am beyond thankful for my friends who are my support system and my family here in South Africa. They have really kept me going through the pain and trauma that I’ve experienced this year.

A few weeks ago I had a fainting spell while on outreach, I suffered quite a nasty head and face injury and spent about 16 hours getting it sorted out. After x-rays and a CT scan I was given the all clear for severe damage and had my face stitched up and went home to heal. It wasn’t a great few weeks and I’m still getting quite bad headaches but my scaring is healing well and I am thankful for that. My tribe really rallied around me and the kids and they kept me going through it all. I love them all so much.

eXpose HOPE is going strong this year and we are seeing so many of our sex worker friends finding freedom. It’s so exciting to watch them walk into the lives that they were created to live. We have partnered with Joyce Meyer ministries and with a Durban based ministry called The Domino Foundation, and these partnerships have really helped us to step our work up a notch. It’s really exciting to gain the support and love of others who are in line with our hearts and vision for our sex industry friends.

Our team is strong and fierce and I love them so completely. I am thankful for everything that they bring to the table and even though so many of us have been going through a lot of difficult times this year, my team has stayed strong and focused. They really are incredible.

There have been moments this year when life has felt impossible and even times when I have questioned everything, even questioning if this life is worth it, should I quit and move back to the uk, but I KNOW with every part of me that this is where I am supposed to be and this is the work that I was created for. So I keep pushing forward.

As we head towards 2023 I feel excited for what’s to come. I know that a breakthrough is just around the corner and I know that provision for my family and the ministry is coming. We have so many plans and dreams to expand our work and reaching out into more of the red light districts here in Durban and as soon as the funding arrives we will make those steps. We are excited. And there is an anticipation for the new year that is coming.

I want to say a great big THANK YOU to all of you who have supported me over the years. Those who have loved the kids and I and have supported us through it all. You have been an intricate part of our journey and the work that I am doing here in South Africa. I couldn’t do any of this without your love and care. You guys are incredible. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Here’s to another year of family and ministry. 🖤

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With much love and blessings from Vash, Joe, Jesse, Hudson, Amayah and Lumi.

Thankfully yours.

As we end off 2021 we would like to send a MASSIVE thank you to everyone who has helped us get through the year.

April 1st will be year 3 of being a single mum and these boys of mine are complete superstars. They have made this transition so much easier and I have seen an incredible growth and freedom in each of them.

This year Joe turned 16, Jesse 15 and Hudson 7. Parenting teens has been interesting and I am thankful that these 2 are handling their teens so much better than I did 😀 We have had a couple of ups and downs but we are facing them head on and together and we are all doing really well. And as for Hudson he is a complete delight. 😍

Work has been interesting this year, there has been a lot of heartache and pain when it comes to our eXpose HOPE ladies. So much loss has had our team broken and at times discouraged, but we keep pushing forward because our sex industry friends are so worth it.

One very encouraging development has been our partnership with Joyce Meyer Ministries. We met with a number of their Cape Town team and also with Dave Meyer, Joyce’s son. After hearing our story and dream for the charity, and after coming on outreach with us to see our work in person, they decided that eXpose HOPE would be an organization that they would like to get behind and support. JMM provided us with our own charity vehicle and fuel costs, and they are also covering our weekly meals for our ladies. Not only that but we have also partnered with Domino Foundation and together with JMM we will be opening a safe house in the new year. That safe house will be open to our ladies who are escaping the sex industry and those who are victims of sex trafficking. This has been our prayer for years now and we are beyond thankful and excited to watch this dream become reality. To have JMM stand with us and believe in our team and our work has really encouraged us to keep pushing forward in our mission. And we are excited to see this partnership grow.

This year I have been really battling with my health, Christmas and New Year I was hit with a bad bout of covid that had me in bed for almost a month. After covid I just wasn’t getting strong and I was in severe pain daily. I was eventually diagnosed with fibromyalgia and I still trying to navigate the situation and am trying to figure out what works for my constant chronic pain and all the other symptoms that I’m dealing with daily. The exhaustion and insomnia is hard, especially when parenting 3 kids, but the boys have been amazing and are incredibly understanding and helpful. I’m so thankful for them and who they are.

We would like to thank everyone who has helped us to survive another year here in South Africa. Thank you to those who have financially supported us, so generously, you have kept the boys in school and a roof over our head, you have put food in our tummies and clothes on our bodies. YOU!! Your love and prayers have kept us lifted up and encouraged to keep going. We love and appreciate you all so very much ❤

I pray that you all have a magical, joy filled Christmas and New Year. I pray that you are blessed in your coming and your going. I pray for abundance over your family and peace in your hearts.

Thank you for loving the boys and I so well.

Thankfully yours

Vash, Joe, Jess and Hudsie. Xxxx