
I’ve always dreamed of having a big family. On my wedding night, I was informed that I wouldn’t be having biological babies (perfect timing mate 🤯🤦🏻‍♀️), and so I knew adoption was going to be how I would become a mama. For years, it was 3 sons, and then 1 1/2 years ago, Heaven bought my daughters to me.
And now here I am, 7 kids, plus one who lives with her partner and my granddaughter.
People constantly ask me how I’m doing this, and all I do is point to heaven.
These kids of mine blow my mind daily. They keep me going and lift me up.
Some days I feel like I’m failing and that I’m completely bonkers, but every day I just know that this family was orchestrated by Love Himself, a beautiful patchwork of different personalities, gifts and talents, all in one big, somewhat crazy family.
I didn’t have the honour of raising my adult daughters, and yet somehow Love created them to be mine, and I am beyond grateful.
I am constantly reminded that my help comes from a Father who passionately loves and cares for each of us and provides all of our needs every day.
Yes, I’m a single Mama. However, I am surrounded by a village of fierce friends and family who stand by me at all times, even when they think I’m nuts 😆
This is our family. And I am thankful.
#missionary #adoptionrocks #chosenfamily #singlemomlife #livingbyfaith #livinginafrica